Yes, we serve your accounting and operations needs, and love doing it.
Kathy also enjoys speaking, presenting and teaching. Every presentation is designed to give the attendees information they can use right away.
Kathy is a dynamic speaker, a Distinguished Toastmaster and a skilled presenter.
Book Kathy for Business Presentations and Speaking Engagements.
The following are presentations to select from, or make a request.
Expectations of a Bookkeeper – Whose Company is it anyway? As a business owner, what should you be expecting of your bookkeeper, and how do you get it? Are they keeping you informed? Are you giving them what they need? Is your billing done accurately and timely? Have you reviewed your open Accounts Receivable, Accounts Payable, and your bank and credit card reconciliations? I can help your bookkeeper with any questions and help you know what to ask for and how to stay on top of it. When you know your numbers, you know your business and can take advantage of opportunities. [30-50 min]
Business Financials Workshop: From Business Plan to Financial Projections – Let’s start with your plan for your business. Have you written your Business Plan? This is your living document of how you see your business, how you target your focus, the problems you are solving for others, your marketing plan, your passion. You also need Pro Forma Financials [Income Statement, Balance Sheet, Cash Flow Statement] to see if your plan is viable. How much revenue do you expect? What is this based on? What are your expected fixed and variable expenses to support this revenue? How do you record your investment? What fixed assets do you need? Do you have enough cash and how do you keep it flowing? When we build your Pro Forma Financials, you will see when your business is planned to be profitable. You will see, understand and use your business plan and your Pro Forma Financials as they work together. [100-150min]
Please visit and use these Free Resources to Get You Started on Your Business Plan:
Business Financials Workshop: Financial Statements for Fun and Profit – What goes where and what does it all mean? This session is a more detailed look at reading and understanding financial statements, whether or not you use accounting software. You will learn some important lessons and the meaning of key accounting terms. See what to look for on the Income Statement, the Balance Sheet and on the Statement of Cash Flows, and have a better understanding of each. Cash flow is not the same as income and it is important to know the difference. [100-150min]
10 Tips of Public Speaking – Feeling nervous before giving a speech is normal, and we use these nerves to add excitement to our delivery. Too much nervousness can be detrimental. With some audience involvement, we will learn how to control our butterflies and give better presentations. [presentation time: 25 min]
Thinking About Starting a Business – We have ideas and need to know how to pull it together. This presentation is based on my experiences from thinking about starting my business for years, writing it down so I could view it from many angles and then taking some small steps that added up. We will get into Business Plans and make them manageable and dynamic as we appreciate that planning is essential. [presentation time: 50 min]
Your Speaking Voice; Why we Should Care How we Sound – Your voice is the primary link between you and your listeners. We tend to judge people to some extent by their voices. A good controlled voice is an asset in every contact with others. Learn the qualities of a good speaking voice, and learn to control and use your airstream power source of your breath to enhance and add authority to your voice. Your audience will appreciate and be engaged as they will hear every word as you articulate and breathe. Presentation includes an audience participation favorite of a dramatic reading of the alphabet. [presentation time: 50 min]
Presented at District 84 Toastmaster conference workshop on May 17, 2014 and May 30, 2015; and at CareerSource Brevard in Rockledge, FL on July 9, and Dec 22, 2014, and in Palm Bay, FL on Aug 14, and Dec 18, 2014.
Learning Continues-Elementary Money Lessons – This session is geared to 7-11 year olds and can be modified to fit the audience. We will use examples to reinforce basic math. Money games to recognize and count money and make change. [presentation time: 50 min]
Learning Continues-Reconciling Your Bank Account – Learn how to reconcile your checking account at month end or at any time during the month. Your checking account balance that you maintain is different from the balance from your bank. How can they both be correct? If you have a checking account, or plan on having one, you should know how much money is available. We will review an example of a personal checking account, and an example of a typical business checking account. Bring your questions. [presentation time: 50 min]
- Kathy gets special recognition at Women of Excellence on July 15, 2014.
Kathy Emerson is in Humorous Speech Contest and WINS! October 4, 2014
Kathy Emerson gives Invocation at Toastmasters contest April 2015